Tipton Picnic and Alumni Celebration
Friday, August 1 and Saturday, August 2
Please join us in celebrating the 79th anniversary of the Tipton Picnic, the main fundraiser for Tipton Catholic High School.
A festive celebration of accomplishments and future endeavers of Tipton Catholic High School.
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Friday, August 1 @ Tipton City Park
Alumni & Friends Celebration
6:00 PM Softball Tournament Begins and goes through Saturday
8:00 PM Alumni and Friends Celebration
- EVERYONE is Welcome
- Opening Prayer for all Alumni and Friends
- Introduction of Classes Celebrating Special Anniversaries
- 5yr, 10yr, 15yr, Etc
- Performances by: Tipton Wildcards, Junior Wildcards, and Post Rock Dancers
10:00 PM Last Man Standing Drawing
Saturday, August 2 @ Tipton City Park
Tipton Church Picnic Day!
6:45 - 7:15 AM Picnic Walk-Run Registration View Results Here
7:30 AM Picnic 2 Mile - Walk, 5K - Run - Kids Race Follows
8:30 - 9:15 AM Poker Run Bike & Car Rally Registration
9:00 AM Horseshoe and Corn Hole Tournaments Begin
9:00 AM Cardinal Creations starts in the park until 11:00am
9:30 AM Poker Rally Ride
4:00 PM Mass - St. Boniface Church
5:00 PM Fried Chicken/Roast Beef Dinner
5:30 PM Games and Rides
6:00 PM Live and Simulcast Auction - Register for Bid Number Prior to Auction
7:00 PM Bingo (BLACKOUT at 11:00 PM $100 prize)
11:30 PM Cash and Prize Drawings (at conclusion of auction)
Submit your Drawing Entries in one place!
View all Raffle Prizes here!
Sunday, August 3 @ Tipton Oaks
8:00 AM Mass at St. Boniface Catholic Church
9:00 AM Cleanup at the Tipton City Park
10:00 AM Golf Tournament @ Tipton Oaks
- Wildcards Hosting Concessions