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Tipton City Council Meeting Minutes - September 9, 2024

CITY OF TIPTON – CITY COUNCIL MEETING – Monday September 9, 2024

The regular meeting of the Tipton City Council was held at 7:30 p.m. Monday September 9, 2024 at City Hall.   Those present were  City Clerk Brigit Gasper, City Superintendent Rod Barker and City Council members – Ben Avery, Michael Ohnsat, Jessica Krier, Mark Towner and Sara Dilley.  Mayor Jarrod Shivers joined the meeting by phone.  Also present were Kim Ellenz, Norah Ellenz and Drew and Brandi Shirack, owners of Tipton Grocery.     

Council president Mark Towner called the meeting to order.  The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 

Minutes from the August 5, 2024 meeting were reviewed and approved.

Norah Ellenz, member of the Tipton 4-H club gave a presentation on her leadership project for community enhancement that was funded by Keith and Debra Houghton.  Donated funds enabled Norah to purchase a portable bike rack and she desires to put the bike rack in a location that does not have a rack for bike riders to use.  She suggested placing it in the park by the basketball/tennis court area.  It is a heavy sturdy rack that will not blow over and will hold multiple bikes.  The council supported this addition to the park area.  Mark Towner made a motion to approve placement of the bike rack in the park.  Jessica Krier seconded.  Motion carried. 

Drew and Brandi Shirack from Tipton Grocery were present at the meeting to answer questions on their business and discuss ideas with the council.  Their business is growing since taking over ownership of Tipton Grocery a year ago.  They  see an opportunity to grow their customer base even more because of technology that is available  that tracks where people are grocery shopping.   They are seeing a need to expand what they have to offer so that they can provide more choices for customers so that more grocery shopping will be done locally and more tax dollars will be generated for the City of Tipton.  They need more viable space to be able to do this. The council agreed that a grocery store is of extreme importance to the community and further options and needs will be investigated by both the council and Drew and Brandi Shirack.

There were 7 late fees charged for utility bills.  Three letters were mailed.  The postmaster in Tipton informed Brigit that several of the utility cards that were mailed out mid-August were damaged at the postal service facility in Wichita.  She received them back torn apart in plastic bags.  Postmaster will check into an alternate way to send the utility billing cards to Wichita for processing.  Brigit hand delivers those she can, and puts bills in an envelope for those that are being mailed a distance.  If this is a consistent problem in the future, they may have to be mailed in an envelope.  

The sales tax receipt for August was $6549.30.    Receipts for August were $23,509.31; disbursements were $20,645.10.

Reports for income and expenses were reviewed.  The individual fund account balances were reviewed.  The restaurant fund deficit was discussed with reminder on the annual expenses incurred for the restaurant and the three aging air conditioner units with one needing replaced.  Options for the restaurant were discussed.  Mayor Shivers reported he has received one call from a party that may be interested in running a restaurant but has not seen the building.

Sara Dilley made a motion to pay the bills; Michael Ohnsat seconded.  Motion carried.

Brigit explained that the 811 “Call before you Dig” request tickets are increasing from $1.20 per ticket to $1.33.  The City is billed for these requests.  811 is transitioning to an advanced locate system and the system will be easier for individuals submitting tickets online.  These requests are necessary before any digging is done by any resident so that the appropriate utility companies and the city can locate any lines or pipes that may be in the area of the proposed dig location.

Rod has been getting the park and area around the football field mowed and ready and will move the bleachers for the upcoming game.  The old bathrooms north of the basketball courts have been demolished and the murals that were on the south and east sides were saved and a slab for the new bathrooms has been poured.    Rod reported that he and Dan Hake worked in the current restrooms at the concession stand taking measurements so they will be able to get the water and sewer lines set when the bathroom building is moved to the new location prior to demolition of the current concession stand.  The current plan is that this bathroom building will be moved to the north side of the park on the new slab there sometime after the high school football game on September 13.   He also reported that the with new concession stand building that will be constructed, there is a need to move the water main location.

Rod reported that the water leak on the street by Lauri Pahls’ property has been repaired. 

Brigit will talk to Brandon Lindsay at CVA regarding their desire to make a donation to the park area.  Sara Dilley suggested that the donation could go towards expenses in moving the bathrooms to the north side of the park.

The next scheduled meeting will be Monday, October 7, 2024 at 7:30 pm unless a special meeting is needed.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Brigit Gasper

City Clerk


Last Updated ( September 16, 2024 )